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We license the finance business

Swedsec’s licenses have for many years been a cornerstone of the efforts to strengthen the competence and customer protection in the financial industry. Our licenses are adapted for professionals in the industry. They are based on tests and a disciplinary procedure for violations of rules. We are the seal of quality for high knowledge, regulatory compliance, and good ethics in an industry where public confidence is key to long-term sustainability.

Our tests

Swedsec provides five professional licensing tests. Both private persons and employees at Swedsec-affiliated companies can carry out the tests. If you are employed by a Swedsec affiliate, you will receive a Swedsec license after passing the test.

  • Mortgage loans


    The target group for the licensing exam for mortgage loans is professionals engaged in structuring, offering, granting, brokering or providing mortgage loan advice to consumers, such as advisers and loan officers.

  • Information providers


    The target group for the licensing exam for information providers is professionals who provide information regarding financial instruments, investment services or ancillary services without providing investment advice, including but not limited to cashiers/customer service staff at customer centres, telephone banks, etc.

  • Management and control functions


    The target group for the licencing exam for management and control functions is professionals engaged in various management and/or control functions in the financial sector, including but not limited to managers, compliance officers and risk managers.

  • Specialists


    The target group for the licensing exam for specialists is professionals working as stockbrokers, fund and portfolio managers, designers of structured products and others.

  • Advisers


    The target group for the licensing exam for advisers is professionals who provide investment advice and insurance services to consumers and businesses regarding life insurance with a savings element.

  • Book a test!

    Our licensing tests are held in several locations around the country on many occasions per year. Only in Swedish!

    Read more and book

Keep your skills up to date!

It is important to constantly update your knowledge. Therefore, all licensees with an active license need to carry out an annual knowledge update (ÅKU), which must be adapted to the professional role. Affiliates are required to report annually by November 30th that licensees have completed an annual knowledge update.

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